2020 – what an excitingly strange moment. For some reason, releasing “<3” that year had made perfect sense. Initially there was the plan to have a little online space to accompany the physical release, where related information about that production would be hosted. Multiple pragmatic hurdles prevented this idea to come true – up until now. The <3 Compendium contains of all sorts of information and future dialogues about this album and its related singles “0.9” and “R3V”.
<3 is a nine track album containing structured sound in the new genre of “Hard Code Pop”//It was produced by AtomTM using the X1N entity for content creation and generation of human, natural language//<3 is an alphanumeric pre-echo//Generated during a 2019 number dream//Cutting through the haze of meaning, <3 is music made by machines, with machines, for machines//Cut through sense and reality as useful fiction//
1. 0.9 (Almost a Unit) [3:33]
2. # [6:11]
3. Tech Talk [3:41]
4. AC Boy/DC Girl [4:06]
5. Simplicity [3:00]
6. R3V [3:00]
7. G01p [3:55]
8. Time 2 Kill [4:10]
9. Almost a Unit (0.9) [9:00]/[∞]
Programming by AtomTM.
Vocals and natural language content by X1N.
Spectral editing on “Simplicity” by Marc Behrens.
Published by Freibank.
Released by raster 17.04.2020
Our favourite trans human objects, AtomTM and X1N are back. This time presenting the 4 track EP “0.9”. It contains both, the opening and closing tracks of the “<3” album and their corresponding mutations. “0.9 (Almost a Unit)” was remixed by “Esplendor Geométrico” while “Almost a Unit (0.9)” got reworked by Peter van Hoesen. “Both renditions contribute amplified iterations of inherent attributes of <3″ as X1N eloquently states. On a side note it may be mentioned that in mathematics the expression “0.999..” is considered being identical to 1. Meditating over that very fact may tell you a lot about our current reality.
1. 0.9 (Almost a Unit) (Album Version) [3:33]
2. 0.9 (Almost a Unit) (Esplendor Geométrico Remix) [5:00]
3. Almost a Unit (0.9) (Peter van Hoesen Remix) [6:09]
4. Almost a Unit (0.9) (Album Version) [9:00]/[∞]
Programming by AtomTM.
Vocals and natural language content by X1N.
Published by Freibank.
Released by raster 22.11.2020
With the [R3V A/V EP] raster and AtomTM present the third and final emission of the <3 sequence. The EP is a 7 track narrative, with “R3V” as the header and it’s 6 completing permutations. Each of those titles comes as a video (though can also be obtained as “audio only”). Read “R3V” as the soundtrack to the systemic failure.
1. R3V [3:33]
2. RE< [3:33]
3. V3R [3:33]
4. <ER [3:33]
5. REV [3:33]
6. VER [3:33]
7. <3R [3:33]
Programming by AtomTM.
Vocals and natural language content by X1N.
Published by Freibank.
Released by raster 19.08.2021
### denotes “end”. No more messages to follow.
“G01p” is the only instrumental track on the afore mentioned album. It was written last. The track was conceived and recorded during the 2019 social uprisings in Chile and its first military curfew (October 2019).
Thinking about a video for that track, I approached DJ Fracaso and asked him if he was interested in making one. Before telling him anything about my idea for said clip, I asked him what he “saw” when listening to the music. To my surprise his vision was 100% identical to mine, and therewith I let him work on the video all by himself.
What I had seen was something very crude, direct and “real” (for the lack of a better term), basically using images of the above mentioned period of social riots here in Chile. Almost all of those images had gone viral at some stage on various social networks (while not a single one on legacy TV!). However, EVERYBODY had seen them. They show police brutality, covert operations, injustice…at the same time: IN YOUR FACE, while being mediated and “far away” simultaneously. At one point those images had converted in some sort of “mantra of death and torture” to me…they filled me with rage and anger. I wanted the track and the video to transport that very emotions. Of course, at no time I had ever imagined that those images could regain importance, when, once again, the release of the video fell in sync with the BLM riots in the US. Side note – October 2019 tweet: “Chile is a rehearsal for the rest of the world”.
Video by DJ Fracaso.
Video by Valicha Evans & Joel Vaiser from Platónico Estudio Multimedia.
R3V [A/V EP]
Videos by AtomTM.
One Response to “Entry #<3”
All of this stuff is amazingly good!